Yes, that is a real picture of my Mom. I’m not sure of the exact date, but I’m guessing it was taken sometime in the 1960’s or early 1970’s. It’s been 11 years now since Mom went on to be with the Lord, but there isn’t a day that goes by when I don’t miss her. With Mother’s Day fast approaching, I find myself thinking more and more about her and the legacy she left for me and my brothers; really, for any one that knew her.
Mom was born with scoliosis, or curvature of the spine. It caused her to have several back surgeries that affected her posture and other parts of her body. Over time, the multiple surgeries caused other complications and hampered her life tremendously. Eventually, she suffered a stroke which eventually led to her death. But, this is not an article about the medical issues she fought her entire life. Instead, this is an article about someone who praised God, despite having every reason not to.
Throughout my entire life, I can remember my mom always being positive. Her faith was what I would call calm but bold. You wouldn’t find her on the street corners preaching or in someone’s face acting holier than thou. No, instead, you found her giving to others when she had nothing to give. You found her remembering your birthday when you thought no one cared. You found her calling someone just to see how they were doing and to let them know she was thinking of them. You never heard her say a negative word about anyone. She never thought she was better than anyone else. Mom knew where her strength came from. She never questioned God or asked “why me,” although that would have been easy to do. Instead she praised. She praised and thanked God for everything, even though it appeared that she had nothing to praise.
What a tremendous outlook and wonderful passion for life that forever affected so many in a positive way. You may be going through trials in your own life and don’t know where to turn. You may be at the end of your rope and don’t know if you can keep going. If this is you, I urge you to keep praising God.
Even if you don’t have a song in your heart, keep praising God. Even if life just hurts so bad right now, praise God anyway. Even if life makes absolutely no sense at all right now, praise God even more. Even if you don’t know what steps to take next, praise God to the highest.
Mom, you know I can’t sing a note or carry a tune, but thank you for reminding me to Praise God when the music seems to have stopped. Happy early Mother’s Day Mom, I love you and miss you.
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She was a great sister in law ..She loved the Lord God. I cherish my memories of her.
I miss her too. Happy Mothers day Joby !