My wife and I recently became the proud owners of a new dog. We haven’t owned a dog in about 10 years, so we decided now was the right time to give it a go again. This particular dog had a previous owner who was no longer able to keep him. The prior owners introduced us to Remi and, I have to admit, he stole our hearts. We first agreed to let him stay with us for a weekend to see how things went and if we thought he was a good fit long-term. Well, that was May of last year and Remi is still with us and part of the family.
Remi likes the stability of his new home and has settled into quite the routine. He is pretty lazy most of the day and then wants to play during the late afternoon, before dinner. After dinner, it’s snuggle time for him. He goes out of his way to find me and make sure he sits with me. I don’t have to search for him. He is looking for me. To me, this is my favorite time of day. Mind you he is about 60 pounds and snuggles up on the couch with his head in my lap and making sure that I am touching him somewhere. We don’t have to do anything. We don’t have to go anywhere. We just sit on the couch and enjoy each other’s company. Nothing more than me adoring him and vice-versa. It is just simple daily communication to show him that I care for him and enjoy his companionship.
This closeness and affection, with no strings attached, is exactly the relationship our Heavenly Father wants us to have with HIM. In thinking about my own Christian Life, I can’t say that my relationship with God has always been that close. There have been many times that our relationship was distant and almost non-existent. It wasn’t because I didn’t believe in God or didn’t care for God. If I’m being honest, it was because I was too busy and didn’t want to be bothered. It seemed like a chore to have a relationship with God and not a privilege. It seemed like I always had to give up something in order to have a relationship with God.
Maybe there is a reason you aren’t reaching out. Maybe, you are where I have been in the past continually asking yourself: What has God really done for me? Why does it seem like he’s forgotten me? Well, trust me; I’ve been there. I had to come to the realization that the mere fact I was asking those questions of God and hungering for an answer meant that God had not given up on me. If HE had given up on me, HE wouldn’t be creating the desire in me to question. Once I realized that, it became easier and easier to realize that God was as close as I wanted him to be.
The sad part is that God is yearning for a relationship with us. All it takes is some quiet time to pray and read and meditate on how God has worked in your life and the realization that God is there for you. Just some time each day to stop and be thankful for all that He has done. I can promise you that if you reach out to God, He will be there waiting with open arms.
As Remi and I are sitting here in our warm home on our comfortable couch on a cold winter night, I am reminded of an even greater relationship I have with the Heavenly Father. A relationship of love and support. Maybe I can’t physically touch God, but I certainly can feel His touch in every aspect of my life. I don’t ever want that feeling to go way.
How is your relationship with God? HE is just around the corner waiting for you to come home.
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Never knew you had a dog what a great story. Something about a dog no matter what kind of day you have or what you’re going through that always seem to be there . They just want us to love them . Your stories inspire me and just when I am down I read something like this and it lifts my spirits. Thanks!