Last weekend, we had the opportunity to babysit for our grandchildren which is always a thrill to me. They are so energetic and so full of life and just a lot of fun to be around. Theirs is a world of video games and toys and blocks and coloring books—and never a dull moment. During the time they were visiting, I came across a children’s book that one of them was reading and it caused me to think back when our own children were their ages or even younger. When our children were very young, my wife and I would read Dr. Seuss and Disney stories to them to the point that they practically memorized the text. In fact, before they could even read on their own, they could recite the words of the story just perfectly. Some nights, I would try to “fast forward” through the story and get them to bed sooner, but they were too wise for that. They knew that I had skipped pages and made me go back and read what I had purposely missed. Many nights, they wanted me to read the same story over and over. I would finally get to the “happily ever after” portion and would be coaxed into starting again. They never got tired of those worn out stories and it was as if they expected a different ending when I read the same story for a second or third time. Eventually, they would fall asleep or I would decide that this was enough reading for the night and I would close the book signaling that the evening’s stories were over.
As I think back on my journey as a Christian, I am comforted to know that God has never closed His book on me. I have failed Him and others many times. I have made bad decisions in my life that have cost me dearly. At times, I’ve not led the best Christian example I should have. There have been many years of wasted talent and abilities and times when I wondered what my purpose was or why I was on this Earth. I remember watching others who seemingly had it all and thinking I could never be like them. As far as I was concerned, my book was closed and my story was over.
Fortunately, God doesn’t see things the way I (we) do. My Christian story is never over. Your Christian story is never over. Your life might be filled with as many Chapters as the novel, War and Peace, but as long as you put Christ first in all you do and seek His guidance, your story never ends. If you’re at one of those inevitable deserts in your spiritual life and are struggling with your faith at the moment—never forget that in God’s eyes, your story isn’t over yet.
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