I’ve been fortunate in life to cross paths with many, many different types of people and personalities. I’ve met Presidents and CEO’s of Major Corporations. I’ve met famous politicians. I’ve even met popular sports figures. All in all, I guess you could say that I’ve been able to meet a lot of individuals that are held in fairly high esteem by the World’s standards.
The World would look at these people and come to the conclusion that they were at the top of their respective fields. Afterall, the Presidents and CEO’s certainly must have advanced degrees and education. The politicians certainly must have education plus all the “people” skills necessary to influence others. And, of course, the sports personalities surely must devote their energy to hours upon hours of dedication and practice. I think all of these things are probably true for the most part, but somehow that just doesn’t impress me.
Maybe it’s because I’m getting older in life, I don’t really know. But, I can tell you that credentials from people just really don’t mean much to me any more. I’m not saying this is always true, but it just seems like most of who I used to call “Big Whigs” seem to be so insincere and pretentious. It’s almost like they flaunt their power and degrees and success and are saying to me: “I’m important and you’re not.”
I compare these individuals to others I have known over my years; those that the World would not hold in high esteem. Individuals that are not even on the radar and would be unnoticed. I’m thinking of my first real friend in elementary school who stood by me when others wouldn’t. I’m thinking of a youth counselor that led me to Christ when others rejected me. I’m thinking of my first Boss who gave me a chance and saw something in me that others didn’t. I’m thinking of my wife who has stood with me year after year, despite my many faults. And, I’m thinking of my parents who always taught me to do the right things, even when it wasn’t popular.
What’s different about those individuals? They weren’t really educated or trained by today’s standards. They didn’t really hold high positions. What set them all apart was that they had all accepted Christ as their savior. There wasn’t anything hypocritical or arrogant about them. They didn’t think they were better than anyone else. They were just real and they cared about others. The moment you met them, you knew immediately that they had been with Jesus. It showed in everything they did.
At one time in my life, I wanted the fame and importance that the world offers. Not any more, because it really has no lasting affect on anything or anybody. Instead, I’ve learned that I want to help others as I can and for others to look at me and know immediately that “he’s been with Jesus.”
If you’re you’re feeling lost and insignificant, I would encourage you to be thankful and not regretful. There is nothing about you and your God-given gifts that is insignificant in God’s eyes.
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