I’ve said, in many other articles, that I loved to visit my Grandmother’s small hometown in middle Georgia. I have many memories as a young child and still think about those times often. We didn’t go there much–maybe 2 or 3 times a year, but each time was an investment of memories that stick with me even today.
One unusual landmark of the small town was a community Artesian Well. As a child, I really didn’t know what an Artesian well was, but I later learned it was a natural source of crystal clear water that flowed to the surface without the need of a pump. It is different from well water in that the water constantly flows, as opposed to having to lower a bucket down into a well to retrieve water. The Artesian Well was housed in a small brick building. A small metal pipe protruded from the ground and through the wall of the brick structure and it was out of this pipe that the water flowed.
It didn’t matter what time of day you drove by the Artesian Well, you would see someone with a supply of buckets or plastic milk jugs filling them with this cold, clear water. Even when no one was at the pump collecting water, the water still flowed. You have to remember, I was a City boy and whenever I needed water at home, I would just turn on the water faucets. I never could understand why citizens of this small town had to go to the site of the Artesian Well to get their drinking water. I soon discovered that many citizens didn’t have plumbing and running water. For those that did have running water, the water quality was so poor you couldn’t stand to drink it anyway. The Artesian Well was an eternal source of clear, pure water that was a necessity for the survival of the town.
I’m sitting here this Sunday morning and being reminded of God’s eternal grace; mercy; and blessings. I think of how many times HE has shown me grace and patience when I didn’t deserve it. I think of many more times when I deserved punishment and HE showed me Mercy. I think of the multiple times HE has blessed me and my family beyond what I could measure or even imagine. I think of how many times I’ve failed others, but how the Lord has never failed me.
It doesn’t matter what time of day or night I call upon the Lord, HE is there and HIS love is pure and clean. In my grandmother’s town, the people visited the Artesian Well at all hours of the day and night to get water because they had confidence the water would always be flowing to meet their needs, and they knew the water would be pure and clean. All the people had to do was go to the Well. How true that is of our Heavenly Father. He’s always there and all we have to do is go to HIM and he supplies all we need.
Where are you today with your Christian Walk? Are you tapping into the pure, eternal love that only Jesus can provide? Will you go to the ever-flowing Well today?
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