“But I have this against you, that you have left your first love.” (Revelation 2:4)
Complacency in life is something we all have to guard against. It’s so easy to get in a comfort zone and lose sight of your true mission and calling in life. When reading this verse in Revelation, you see that Jesus was complimenting the Church of Ephesus on the longevity of their faith and some of their good deeds. However, he was disappointed in them as they seemingly had forgotten their past and from where they had fallen. They had gotten comfortable and were not doing the things they had done at first—they had lost their Joy. They had forgotten their excitement when they first met their Spiritual Bride–Christ himself. In other words, they were just going through the motions of “playing church.”
I can identify with the Church of Ephesus. There have been times when I’ve just gone through the motions of “Church World” and have even done what Peter did in John 21:3 when he said he was “going fishing.” At that particular time, Peter showed us that he had temporarily lost his Joy and went back to what was comfortable to him. We’ve all done this at one time or another.
The question is: Are you going to stay comfortable and complacent, or are you going to return to your First Love and do what God has called you to do?
Courage Thoughts for Today:
- Think back on when you first accepted Christ as your Savior and how excited you were?
- Do you still have that same level of passion today?
- Have you gone back to what is comfortable in your life, rather than what you should be doing for Christ?
- What can you do, starting today, to return to your first love?
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