“God said to Moses, “I Am Who I Am. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I AM has sent me to you.’ ” (Exodus 3:14) have to admit that I eat too much junk food. It seems that I’m always on the go. Here, there and everywhere. It’s just easier to stop in my favorite fast-food place and grab something for the road. A burger here; a hot dog there; chicken sandwiches, french-fries. Junk, junk, junk. I know I shouldn’t eat as much of it as I do, but it usually tastes good; it’s cheap; and it’s quick.
Of course when you get to the drive through window, you’re always asked that famous question: “Would you like it Super-sized?” As if a regular sized meal of whatever you’re eating isn’t unhealthy enough, they have to ask you whether you want an even larger portion of the cholesterol nightmare.
Let’s face it. In today’s World, we all have issues and problems. We all have situations in our lives that seem beyond hope. Situations or issues in which we’ve reached a dead end and done all we know to do. It’s usually at that point, our most desperate point, that we reach out. We reach out to a God that, perhaps, we’ve ignored to this point. We know we need to reach out to God, but usually don’t until we’re at a point of no return. We need something to happen. We need God to act. We need a miracle now!! If we were at the drive through window ordering what we needed from God, our order wouldn’t be the regular portion, it would be Super-Sized. We want all we can get from our Heavenly Father and we want it sooner than later.
When I reach those times in my life when I need a Super-Sized portion of God in my life, I remind myself of the majesty of God and the enormity of God. I remind myself of what Moses discovered when God spoke two simple words to Moses. Those two words were “I Am.”
God didn’t say, “I Was” although He has always been. He didn’t say “I Will” although He will always be with us. He said, “I Am.” Why?”
He’s “I Am” because it encompasses everything. “I AM” the comforter. “I AM” the healer. “I AM” the relationship builder. “I AM” the mender of finances. “I AM” the director of careers. “I AM” the answer to important decisions.
He is the Great “I AM.” Don’t worry about trying to order up a Super-Sized God. He’s already all that you need and enough for any situation.
Courage Thoughts for Today:
- What are you worrying about that you need to turn over to God?
- What do you need God to act on today, this week, or this month?
- Are you trusting that God will be enough, or second guessing His ability to help you?
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this has ME written all over it….really needed this one…
Thanks Mike . That was good …