“God…made us alive with Christ…And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus.” (Ephesians 2:4-6)
Many years ago, I was fortunate enough to visit Chicago on a business trip. I was working for a financial company and was asked to visit a State Court there in Chicago to testify on behalf of my company. This was my first visit to the Windy City (and so far, only trip) so I was not so much interested in the business purpose of my visit as I was seeing the big City. I wasn’t disappointed and I have many fond memories of the beauty that is Chicago.
I remember being able to walk from my hotel to the courtroom. It was only a few blocks walk and I was amazed at all the hustle and bustle and commotion. Pedestrians walking everywhere. Cars honking at every little thing. Mass Transit trains rumbling through the City. Everyone was in a rush and speeding from one place to another. It was an amazing–and nerve racking–thing to experience.
On the morning of the trial, I navigated through all of the chaos on the street, and finally made it to the courtroom. Of course, I had to go through the mandatory security checks and then on the elevator to the 33rd floor of the courtroom building. I am not a fan of high places, but when I arrived at my floor, I decided to glance down at the street from my new view. What had been chaos on the ground was now calm looking and silent from above. What changed? The only thing that changed was my view.
Whatever you may be going through in life at this time, I can tell you it is very easy to only look at your situation through your own eye’s view. I know because I have done so myself. When you look at your situation only through your eyes and your own perspective, the view is often like my view from the street that day in Chicago–hustle, bustle, and chaos. Instead, I learned to change my focus through Christ and remember that, as a Christian, I am already seated on His right side.
Most times, it isn’t your circumstances that need to change; it is your view of the circumstances. Changing your view from a ground level perspective to a Heavenly perspective makes all the difference in the world.
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