When our children were pre-schoolers, they loved to play “hide and seek.” I’m not sure why they loved the game so much. I guess it was the thrill of hiding somewhere and, then, having Dad become frustrated trying to find them hiding in some obscure place. My daughter, especially, took the game to its most extreme level. She took hiding serious. So serious, in fact, she was disappointed if she was found.
I remember one particular occasion we were playing hide and seek indoors and she hid in some small space between two dressers in our bedroom. A space so small, I wouldn’t have even thought she would fit. I searched and searched and searched. In closets; under beds; everywhere. She was as quiet as a mouse. I was actually beginning to think she may have gone outside or gotten hurt. I searched continuously for several minutes until, finally, I saw her wedged into this small place that no one would have thought to hide. As soon as I found her, she burst out laughing knowing that she had “won” this particular battle.
This morning, I was reading Colossians Chapter 3, Verse 1. It says: ” Therefore, if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. ” Of course, the logical question is, what are the things above we should keep seeking? I continued reading through versus 12-17 in the same Chapter and it was there I found the answers. The Lord lists such things as putting on a heart of compassion; kindness; gentleness; humility; and patience. But beyond all these things is love. It was a true blessing this morning to be reminded of these “things above” and my responsibility in finding these “things above.”
Speaking from experience, I sometimes just expect the Lord to pour these “things above” on me in a mighty way, without any effort on my part. I lose sight of the fact that it is I that should be seeking those things. And, I should be seeking those things continually. Not just once or twice, but continually. Seeking these things in Christ is a Goal, not a destination. I’m always working toward the goal, but I’ll never fully reach it.
I never stopped searching for my daughter all those years ago until I found her. In Christ, I am reminded to never stop seeking those things above.
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