I’m one of those individuals that likes to “fix everything.” I suppose it is simply part of my God-given DNA, but whenever there is a problem or situation, I want to try and bring order to the chaos. I want to try and right whatever is wrong. I want to take a certain situation and make every one live happily ever after. I like to think that I am fairly confident in my God-given abilities and that if I work hard enough and long enough, things will all be “right.”
My life has had it’s share of difficulties and problems; too many to speak about here. But, as I think back on some of those challenges, I can always remember trying to take control of each situation and trying to resolve everything myself. After a few weeks or months of floundering around with my own futile efforts, I would come to the stark conclusion that I couldn’t fix this particular issue. Talk about a blow to my ego and pride!! How in the world could there be anything that I couldn’t make right, or at least know someone that could help me make it right? Maybe you’ve had some of these revelations yourself? Maybe you’re in one of those situations right now? You’ve done everything you know to do and have no where else to turn. Trust me; I’ve been there.
I learned that when I reached my darkest point, when I had no other place to turn, it was then that I gained my greatest strength. I discovered that all this time, I was looking outwardly for worldly solutions to problems that the world couldn’t resolve. It was at that moment, that I changed my Outward view to an Upward View. And, oh, what a difference the View makes!!
As I began looking upward to Him, I was reminded of a Heavenly Father who created this Universe. I was reminded of a Heavenly Father who sent his Son to Die for my sins. I was reminded of a Heavenly Father who knows the number of hairs on my head. I was reminded of a Heavenly Father who always was and always will be. Suddenly, my problem doesn’t seem as over-whelming any longer. Now, I have tapped into the everlasting Upward strength of my Lord, and not the temporary outward “strength” of the World.
If you’re in one of those life moments at this time, I would encourage you to change the View. Look Upward and not Outward and you’ll be amazed at the renewed strength you will receive.
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