I have to admit it—I love keeping “to-do” lists. I make lists to go shopping. I make lists of tasks for goals I want to achieve. I even have an electronic “to-do” list software program that helps me organize and plan my daily work tasks and keep track of deadlines. There is something about having a list and knowing that I have captured everything I need to do that keeps my stress at a minimal level. When I go through the day and think that I have forgotten something, I become more stressed. The list gives me a system to avoid forgetting things. I know others, however, who when they keep lists it has the opposite effect and stresses them more because it continually reminds them of what they need to do or what they have not done. Obviously, each of us is different and we have to find out what works for us.
As I was sitting here today, I was reminded of our mission in life as Christians. We are charged to be the salt of the earth and be the light of the earth. Our mission is to stand tall and live our lives in such a manner that others would be drawn to Him. God should never be a secret in our lives to the point that we’re afraid to display to others.
How different would my Christian Life or Christian Testimony become if I simply replaced my “To-Do” List with a “To-Be” List? How much stronger would my testimony be if I worked harder on becoming more in Christ, rather than simply doing all the time. As you examine your own life, I wanted to list some “To-Be’s” that God brought to my own heart as he challenges me to be more:
- To Be more like God and realize that without Him, I am nothing. When there is less of me, there is more of Him. The point of my greatest weakness actually becomes the time of my greatest strength because, at that moment, I move out of the way and allow God to take charge.
- To Be content with who I am and what God has done in my life, realizing that when I do, I suddenly realize the importance of the things that simply can’t be bought such as family, friends, and relationships.
- To Be hungry for God and His Word and build up an appetitite for learning and teaching; understanding the richness and wisdom of His Word and creating a greater desire to follow in His steps.
- To Be more caring for others and to show true compassion; having a true servant’s heart and attempting to use my God-given gifts and abilities for the benefit of others.
- To Be mindful of my priorities and my relationship with God so that He can enable me to do more for Him. Understanding that the World’s priorities are not necessarily God’s priorities for my life.
- To Be strong in my commitment to Him, despite any persecution I may receive , and to carry on no matter the obstacles. This will only drive me closer in my relationship with Him.
As you look at your daily “To-Do” list, why not add a couple of “To-Be’s” as well? Let’s all spend more time being instead of doing and get excited about what God will do in our lives and the lives of others.
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