I was recently shopping around for some new furniture for our condo. The furniture we’ve had for many years had seen its better days and my wife and I decided that it was time for a change. We traveled from showroom to showroom and gradually narrowed down our choices.
As I was wondering through the various furniture stores, I noticed that most locations had a damaged goods section or clearance area. There were tables with scratches or damaged corners as well as dressers with missing drawers. It was a true “land of misfit toys” all at bargain prices.
What really caught my attention was that in every store we visited, the damaged goods section was seemingly tucked away in a corner of the store, or in some hard to find location. It was as if the rejected furniture pieces were ostracized from the rest of the furniture world.
I can remember many times in my life when I felt alone and separated from the world. There were times when I felt like damaged goods myself and wondered why. I tried to compare myself to others and usually felt short-changed or trying to figure out why everyone else seemed to have more going for them than me. Often, I would become jealous of my friends who were more outgoing or successful. It was a miserable feeling trying to be someone I wasn’t or trying to live up to a standard that was not meant for me to achieve. Depression and loneliness became constant companions.
As a Christian, I slowly learned that there is no such thing as damaged goods as it relates to God’s view of us. In God’s eyes, we are all special. Each of us has God-given gifts and abilities that make us unique in God’s Kingdom. My prayer is that you will learn as I did to stop comparing yourself to others and, instead, focus on allowing God to develop your God-given gifts and talents. Recognize the special creation YOU are in God’s eyes and celebrate with the joy that only Christ can provide.
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