I have thoroughly enjoyed having my Daughter, Son-in-Law, and three Grand-children live with us temporarily. Since their arrival from China, they’ll be staying with us for a few months until they can get their own place. It’s been many years since I’ve come home every night from work and had children to welcome me after a long day, but you just can’t beat the Grandkids world of video games and toys to remind you of your true priorities.
There is no way to put a price on learning to love the Grandkids personalities and interests and see the excitement in their eyes watching the latest episode of Sponge-Bob Square Pants. My youngest Grandson is especially artistic and creative. He loves to draw and color. Almost everyday, he will spend time coloring a new page in his coloring book. Of course, at five years old, the colors don’t always match and he doesn’t always color between all the lines, but he is so proud of his masterpiece. He smiles from ear to ear when he finishes his artwork and can’t wait to show it to me and everyone that will look. To the casual observer, it wouldn’t even be noticed, but to me, it’s as beautiful as the greatest Picasso. My grandson is an extension of me and I couldn’t be more proud, no matter how his artwork looks. He isn’t worried about how the artwork will be judged. He isn’t worried what others will think. He’s just drawing and coloring to the best of his abilities. In fact, he’s so proud of his handy work that he has taped pictures that he’s colored to his bedroom walls. Most people hang framed pictures and posters; he hangs pages from a coloring book. It would never be part of Better Homes and Garden decor, but it’s beautiful to me.
There’s a lesson here for me, and maybe for you as well. Even though he doesn’t even realize it, my Grandson is already using his God-given gifts. He’s learning that the important thing in life is not necessarily the depth of his preparation, but the willingness to be obedient in starting the work. I can’t tell you how many times that I’ve felt God speaking to me or tugging at my heart to do something, only to talk myself out of following HIS direction. I was too worried about being perfect or not being good enough or having everything just right or just simply being afraid of getting out of my comfort zone. I wanted to make sure I had everything in place so I wouldn’t fail, only to fail because I wouldn’t step out on faith. God has begun a good work in each of us, even when we don’t see it. HE is proud of us even when we don’t think our gifts and talents are as good as someone else.
Are you feeling less important in life? Are you at a stage where you don’t feel you’re measuring up to others? Always remember that what matters most is that you’re obedient. I can promise you that if you are obedient, your Heavenly Father will be as excited and proud for you as I am for my Grandson, no matter what the World may think.
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