A couple of weeks back, I broke down and bought a new suit for myself. I hate buying clothes for myself. I’m not sure why because once I buy them, I really enjoy them. For some reason, I just hate spending money on myself. Unfortunately, I had a business meeting to attend in New York and needed a suit. I’ve gone through trauma recently because I’ve gained weight and my waist size can’t fit in my existing suits. Now, I could exercise and eat right, but that seems like too much work. I decided it was just easier to buy a new suit.
What a great feeling it was to put on my sleek, new Grey suit. I even bought a new shirt and matching tie. If I do say so myself, I looked pretty sharp. It’s amazing how confident I felt for the meeting knowing that I looked sharp with my new shirt on. Man, I felt like a million dollars and, I believe, it showed in my actions during the meeting. I’m sure, over time, the newness will wear off and I’ll get fatter and, sooner or later, I’ll have to break down and buy another suit. Until that time, I sure will enjoy this one.
It reminded me somewhat of the day I accepted Christ back when I was a young teenager. It was such an exciting, confident feeling and it was as if I had “a new suit of clothes.” If you believe the Bible and believe that you are a new person in Christ when you accept HIM, as I do, than it really is comparable. When I accepted Christ, I was a new person. I was more confident, more at peace, and much happier than before. My “new suit of clothes” in Christ was more than I could have ever hoped.
Over time, I began to take Christ for granted. HE almost became like an old suit and just didn’t seem to fit any longer. It was as if I needed something new. Over time, I stubbornly learned that I really didn’t need anything new. I really didn’t need a new suit of clothes. What I had in Christ was all I needed. It wasn’t HIM that left me; it was me that grew tired and bored with HIM.
I began to realize that I needed to pray more; to worship more; and to place HIM first in all that I do. It was amazing that by doing these simple things, what I had been viewing as the “old suit” became new again. I was back to my old self of confidence and joy. Not because I did anything special. HE was still God and HE never left me. I just renewed the relationship that HE was so longing all the time.
Does Christ seem like an “old suit” to you? Just remember, that HE has never left you. I pray that you will renew your relationship with HIM and become one in Christ again.
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