“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” (Psalms 139:14)
I was traveling down memory lane the other day and thinking back on when my children were younger and the many memories I have of them growing up. I could tell you story after story of the good times; the fun times; and the not so fun times. But, one particular story comes to mind, involving my son when he was probably three or four years old. At that time of my career, I was required to wear a suit and tie to work. On one particular weekend, my son decided that it would be fun to wear one of my suits to play in. He had managed to slip on my pants that were much, much too long. He had wrapped one of my ties around his neck and was clomping along in my size 13 shoes, barely able to walk without tripping. It was hilarious to watch. He was so proud of himself that he had dressed up in Dad’s work clothes. I “played work” with him for a little while and we both had a fun time pretending that he was dressing up and going to the office for a hard day’s work.
The funniest part of this dress-up day to me was that he was so determined to wear my clothing—–even though it was obviously several sizes too big for him. In his three or four year old mind, he believed that simply wearing the clothes of someone else, even when they didn’t fit, transformed him into to that person for a brief moment. Unfortunately, my clothes were much too heavy and too long for him and as well intentioned as he was, my clothing just ended up being a burden as he was trying to walk around the house. He would have been much better off simply wearing his own clothes that fit him properly.
This long-ago memory reminded me of my own Christian Faith when, at times, I have tried to be someone I am not. Over the years I have learned that God anointed each of us with our own set of “designer clothing.” You are wonderfully made, in God’s image. In fact, you already have “designer anointing,” custom made just for you. Instead of trying to be like someone else or trying to fit into a mold meant for someone else, learn to be confident in who God made you to be.
In today’s pressure filled world it is so very easy to be jealous of what others have or the skills that someone else has. I know; I’ve done it myself. Take my advice and don’t try to wear what doesn’t fit you; it will only weigh you down. Wear the custom fitted, designer clothing that God meant for you and allow Him to work in your life. You’ll be surprised at the weight lifted off your shoulder.
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