It is no secret that I love working around my house. Whether it be a wood-working project or an outdoor gardening project, I just enjoy the satisfaction of working with my hands and seeing the fruit of my labor. Unfortunately, I tend to get rather dirty and messy when working on these projects. Usually, my clothes are tattered and my hands are filthy. But, I’m happy. Despite the dirtiness, I am in my happy zone and loving every moment of whatever project I am working on.
One of the awesome wonders of Christ is that each of us can have a relationship with Him just as we are. I know many friends personally who feel as if they are not good enough to be a Christian. Perhaps they’ve made bad decisions in their past. Or, maybe they’ve not led the best life to date. I have friends who admittedly avoid Christianity because they don’t think they can uphold or live up to Christian standards. We don’t have to clean-up to accept Christ; instead, we accept Christ and then become a “new person.” He helps us address what needs cleaning-up in our lives and gives us the tools and strengths to do that.
The Bible says, come as you are. Just think a moment about that powerful statement. It doesn’t matter what lifestyle you’ve lived or are living. It doesn’t matter what mistakes you’ve made. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t always done “good” things in your life. It doesn’t matter who your parents are or were. It doesn’t matter if you are ashamed of the career or job you have. The only thing that matters is that you accept Christ as your savior, and believe you are truly a child of God. There is nothing you can do that can truly separate you from God’s love.
People fail us. Institutions fail us. Government fails us. Even churches sometimes fail us. But, God never does. If you feel shame or guilt for the past, don’t led that be a roadblock to your future. Don’t worry about what others may think. I promise you that God is there with open arms ready to welcome you home!
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