“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. (Psalm 6:33)
I was recently at my father-in-laws house searching for some space to store additional items. I found an old storage room that was piled with years and years worth of various items. We all have those places in our homes; closets and shelves that become permanent home to things we haven’t used in decades. I know in my case, I always think I may need a particular item at some point in the future, so I am afraid to discard anything. The result is that the piles get higher and the clutter gets unbearable.
This particular storage room at my father-in-laws was no different. I found everything from old clothing to books to magazines to old tools and everything in between. In fact, the storage area was so full, there was no room for anything else. Unfortunately, the items filling up the storage room were outdated; damaged; and unfit for use. The clutter of the past prevented any new items from taking their rightful place.
I have sometimes found that my Christian life and testimony are no different. I fill my life with hobbies and work and tasks that max out my schedule, and allow little time for God. God becomes second or third place instead of my number one priority. If I’m not careful, my life becomes like the storage closet: Full of relatively worthless time killers that wedge out any available time I have for God.
When we seek God’s Kingdom first, we will always find room in our life for HIM.
Do you need to clean your “spiritual closet” today and find room to put God first?
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