I was walking through a residential area near my condo several months ago and was paying close attention to the many gorgeous homes of all colors, shapes, and sizes. There were brick homes, two-story homes, ranch style homes and on and on. It was a wonderful neighborhood with homeowners walking their dogs down the street and children playing in their front yards. What caught my eye on this particular day was something I didn’t expect to see. Sandwiched in between all these model homes was a decrepit, ugly home in dire need of repair. The home was obviously abandoned and was in need of a tremendous amount of renovation. I’m certainly no home repair expert, but there was no question that this home would require a lot of time and money to make it comparable to the other surrounding homes. It was actually depressing to see what was probably a beautiful home in such disrepair, especially sitting amongst the other spectacular homes.
Not more than two weeks after I originally spotted the damaged home, I suddenly noticed a flurry of activity taking place. All of a sudden, the home was surrounded by construction crews and equipment with workers moving in and out and around the home. This abandoned home was now a beehive of activity. There were roofers and carpenters and painters. Obviously, someone had purchased the abandoned home and was spending a lot of money to make the necessary repairs and make the home livable once again.
I followed the construction progress and the efforts of the many, many workers over the course of the next several weeks. It was amazing how the former eyesore of the neighborhood was being transformed into a magnificent new mansion. What was once viewed as ruins was now coming to life in the form of a gorgeous new home.
I often think of my own Christian journey of faith and still stand amazed at how God has transformed my life. Arguably, my life was like the shack I saw in our neighborhood—in disrepair and in need of some tender loving care. God entered my life and transformed me into the person I am today. What God has done in my life is nothing short of a miracle but the true miracle is that HE can do the same thing for you.
You may be looking at your own life and feeling like you don’t quite fit in. You look around and you see others who appear to be smarter than you or better than you at something or, perhaps, seem to always get ahead in life. You see others who always get the breaks and you seemingly want to raise your hands toward God and wave wildly while telling HIM, “Hey God, remember me!” I know how you feel; I’ve been there myself.
As the renovation of the old home in my neighborhood was nearing completion, I noticed something truly startling. The entire look of the home had changed. A garage was added. A front porch was added. New landscaping was completed. New siding was added. Bright, new colors were used. Having known what the home looked like before, I was amazed at its transformation. I know homes don’t talk, but it was almost as if the home was proud of itself once again and what it had become at the hands of others.
God can do a similar transformation in your own life. Don’t focus on others and what may be happening in their lives. Don’t focus on what you haven’t done or mistakes you’ve made. Instead, focus on what God has, can, and will do in your own life. Allow the master carpenter to mold and shape you as never before and you’ll quickly see your own life move from ruins to royalty.
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