I think there are times in life where it just seems like the hurt and the pain are unbearable. Sometimes, the hurt is because of mistakes we’ve made ourselves. Sometimes the hurt may be for loved ones or friends. Whatever the circumstances, there are those times in our lives when we tend to doubt the old phrase that “HE never gives us more than we can bear.” I know there have been plenty of times in my life when I thought I couldn’t bear any more, but somehow by the Grace of God, I’ve persevered.
I know when I have been faced with those times in my life, I often feel defeated and hopeless. I think that’s only human nature and, most likely, the way we all feel during those tough times. I know, for me, the reason I feel so poorly during those times is because I dwell on the problem and not the solution. I tend to worry about how I could have done things differently; how I could have prevented what has happened. I say to myself, “If only I had done this, then this other situation wouldn’t have happened.” “If only I had not made this poor decision, I wouldn’t be where I am.” On and on I go and I find myself spending every waking moment dwelling on the problem and not the solution. I spend all my waking on energy on the past.
I’ve beaten myself up over and over again for different events in my life that I wish I could have changed, but I can’t change what HAS happened. I can only work to change what WILL happen, with God’s help and guidance. I’ve learned to change my perspective and only glance at the problem while gazing at the Problem-Solver.
What are your going through right now in life? Do you find yourself glancing and dwelling on the problem? Instead, try only glancing at the problem and gazing at the Almighty Creator.
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